
Evaluate a site

Snow Geese at Bylot Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary Nunavut

Got Lands?

If you own lands, you may be wondering if your lands can count towards Canada’s conservation network? If they have identifiable borders, an effective way to conserve biodiversity, and are expected to conserve biodiversity for the long term, they may be part of Canada’s conservation network!

Evaluate lands and inland waters using the Decision Support Tool

Guidance and criteria for evaluating areas that may contribute to Canada’s conservation targets. The guidance accompanying this document will be updated regularly based on user feedback and lessons learned.

The Decision Support Tool is pan-Canadian guidance for assessing areas against the pan-Canadian standards for protected areas and OECMs in terrestrial and inland water areas.

The decision support tool template can be used to help guide your evaluation of a site to determine if it is a protected area or an OECM. Examples of site evaluations are below.

Examples of sites evaluated using the Decision Support Tool

Partners throughout Canada are using the tool to identify areas that may contribute to Canada’s national conservation network. These examples include completed templates for areas that qualify as a protected area or an OECM, or those that require additional attention in order to qualify. 

An overview of the Decision Support Tool – where it came from, what it includes and how to use it.

Additional Training Material

Training materials from joint CCEA-Accounting Working Group screening workshop.